

Greed grabs hold of the young man who lives alone with his mother
as he dives head first into the fresh dough laid out on the
kitchen table. Permanently trying to escape from the smothering
symbiosis that his mother is trying to maintain, he dreams himself

CAST: Achim Schauffele, Michaela Tschubenko, Astrid Rieger
CO-DIRECTOR: Bernd Thiele
PRODUCTION: Astrid Rieger
SOUND: Alexander Dumitran
SET DESIGN: Mechthild Seidemann
EDIT: Astrid Rieger
SPECIAL EFFECTS: Stefan Ringelschwandtner
SOUND MIX: Jochen Engelke / Herold Studios

KurzFilmAgentur Hamburg e.V

"predicate: particularly valuable" by the German Film Rating
Office (FBW) 2007
FBW's short film of the month April 2007
jury's main award at the 2nd International Short Film Festival
Straubing 2006
award (ex aequo) in the German Competition at the 53rd
International Short Film Festival Oberhausen 2007
audience award at Vienna Independent Shorts 2007
arte-award at the 23rd International Short Film Festival Hamburg
jury's award at International Videofestival Bochum 2007
photography award at 14th Capalbio Cinema International Short Film
Festival 2007
Lorenzo Vecchio Prize 2007 at Magma, International Short Film
Festival in Acicastello 2007
Grand Prize at Platforma Video- International Film Festival Athens
award for the best experimental movie at Feminafilm in Ústí 2008
jury's award at Alternative Film/Video Belgrade 2008
special mention at the 11th International Video Festival
Videomedeja in Novi Sad 2007
special mention at SlowfoodonFilm Bologna 2008
nominated for the Hessian Student's Award 2007

FBW - "predicate: particularly valuable"
The symbiotic relationship between a mother and her grown-up
son is being described in compellent pictures. The buttered bread
is diced, to facilitate eating. Bathing becomes a nightmare for
the son, who subsequently hides under the carpet, to plunge into
his fantasies. But there again he meets a female, that wants to
drag him off and protect him. He retrieves himself and flees. In
the end he is a giant and watches his dwarfishly shrunk mother
through the window. Examples for a relationship that was possibly
by a disease are being shown in impressive pictures. The actors
are well chosen and create their roles convincingly. Through
fantastic transitions the inverted world is being turned into the
mythical. When the second mother ends up in the soup, together
with the vegetables there is a reason to smile but also to get
creeped out. The thoroughly staged film is perfectly composed and
with it's fantastic twist it develops an additional layer, that
adds depth.
FBW - short film of the month - april 2007
Compelling and impressive pictures describe the symbiotic
relationship between a mother and her son.
The perfectly composed movie creates an elaborate combination of
naturalistic and surrealistic elements. Memories of Salvador
Dalí's psychoanalytical film drafts for Alfred Hitchcock are
flashing up.
2nd International Short Film Festival
Straubing - jury's main award
The film unpretentiously describes the distressing symbiotic
relationship between a mother and her son, using images that are
of a surprisingly narrative nature and consummately mythological.
Obsessive dream images and harsh sensuality deepen the impending
root conflict between the son's attempts to escape and the
overprotective maternal instinct. The film narrative dispenses
with dialogue and retains it's surreal power throughout.
23rd International Short Film Festival
Hamburg - arte-award
Through an intelligent edit the filmmaker leads us into a
world, where reality and fantasy are constantly interfering with
each other. These shifts reflect the relationship between a mother
and her son. The reserved interpretation of the actors as well as
the absence of dialogues emphasize the film's topic.
Platforma Video7 Athens - grand jury prize
The Grand Prize of PLATFORMA VIDEO7 International Film
Festival was awarded to the German fiction film Mammal by Astrid
Rieger, "because it guided us through a subconscious journey by
creating it's own language using dream logic and a clever play
with expectation".
11th International Video Festival
videomedeja - special mention
It succeeds in depicting a psychological conflict, that arises
from the symbiotic relationship from a son to his mother, which is
visualised through shifts in between symbolic registers and
imaginary fields in an organic flow, backed up by excellent sound

9th Kyoto International Student Film and Video Festival, 2nd
International Film Festival Frankfurt, 2nd International Short
Film Festival Straubing, 6th Shortmoves International Short Film
Festival Halle/S, FILMZ German Cinema Festival Mainz 2006, 3rd
Film Festival Helmstedt, Independent Days 8 Karlsruhe, 30th
Grenzland-Filmtage Selb, Nippon Connection 2007, 53rd
International Short Film Festival Oberhausen, 7th Soester
Kurzfilmtage, VIS Vienna Independent Shorts 2007, Plattform no
budget #5 Tübingen, Weltentheater Karlsruhe, 23rd International
Short Film Festival Hamburg, No Budget Video + Film Festival
Heilbronn, Kinosommer Hessen, International Video Festival Bochum
2007, 14th Capalbio Cinema International Short Film Festival, "Die
lange Nacht des Kurzfilms" Bonn, 10th Festival Internacional de
Cine Expreción En Corto San Miguel de Allende, malescorto 8th
International Short Film Festival Malesco, 6. Dokufest -
International Documentary and Short Film Festival Prizren, 31st
Open Air Filmfest Weiterstadt, Palm Springs International
ShortFest, 8th Circuito OFF Venice International Film Festival,
7th Filmkunstmesse Leipzig, Nordkapp Film Festival 2007, AnToni
Fest Weissensee, Mecal International Short Film Festival
Barcelona, Berwick Film &
Media Arts Festival, 6th Magma International Short Film Festival
2007, IX International Short Film Festival Tinklai, EDIT 10th
Filmmaker's Festival, International Digital Film Festival Kinofest
Bukarest, Bunter Hund - International Short Film Festival München,
Film Festival Münster 2007, 52nd Corona Cork Film Festival,
Blitzfilm - German Film Screening in Chongqing und Shanghai, Short
Film Live Music 2 Weimar, KunstFilmBiennale Köln 2007, Molodist
Festival Kiev, Rio de Janeiro International Short Film Festival
Curta Cinema 2007, London Film Festival 2007, AISFF - Asiana
International Short Film Festival Seoul, Formula Mundi Schwäbisch
Hall, 6th International Short Film Festival "Wie wir leben"
München, 4th NoWords International Short Film Festival Bolzano,
interfilm - 23rd International Short Film Festival Berlin, 21st
International Filmfest Braunschweig, Kasseler Dokumentary Film-
und Videofest 2007, Festival of European Films on Wheels Ankara,
18th Stockholm International Film Festival, Chroma audiovisual art
festival Jalisco, Encounters International Short Film Festival
Bristol, visionale07 Frankfurt, Taipeh Golden Horse Film Festival,
6th International Short Film Festival "Wie wir leben" Hamburg,
Brest European Short Film Festival, Interregional Film Festival
Hessen - Aquitaine, "jung + frisch" Darmstadt, PLATFORMA VIDEO7
International Film Festival Athens, 25th Festival Tous Courts
Aix-en-Provence, 5th Kalpanirjhar International Short fiction film
Festival, 11th International Video Festival Videomedeja Novi Sad,
Film Friends Forever London, 50 Days Of World Cinema Florenz, 13th
Berlin &
Beyond Film Festival, Premiers Plans Film Festival Angers,
kontrast08 Bayreuth, Chelsea Arts Club London, Miami International
Film Festival 2008, Birds Eye View Film Festival London, Future
Shorts Berlin, Hamburg, Köln, ambulart 2008 Quito, Guayaquil,
Guadelajara, moves08 Manchester, UNinviteD Paris, EMAF 2008
Osnabrück, Wolverhampton Disability Film Festival, Cyprus
International Short Film Festival, Slow Food on Film Festival
Bologna, 2ANNAS Riga, "Move!" Ljubljana, CFC Worldwide Short Film
Festival Toronto, LOOX 20 der Wacker Kunst Mühltal, OpenEyes
Filmfestival Marburg, 14th AYE AYE International Film Festival
Nancy, The Other Film Festival 2008 Melbourne, look&roll
Olten, Zürich, Luzern, Feminafilm Usti 2008, Waterpieces festival
Riga, xsff Moskau 2008, Alternative Film/Video 2008 Belgrad, 7th
KaraFilm Festival Karachi International Film Festival 2009, Image
Forum Festival Tokyo, 8th Sommerwerft, Kunsttage Detmold 2009,
"Tomorrow City Open Theater" Incheon, Seoul, Brazilian Slow Food
Festival Pirenopolis, MOCA Taipei, Message to Man St. Petersburg
2010, NOVA Festivals in Sao Paulo, Iranian disabled Scientific
& Artistic Creation, disability festival Latrobe.

Schnitt - Das Filmmagazin #48 - 04.2007
For these three euros, for instance, you can purchase from the
Short Film Agency Astrid Rieger's Mammal,
a cleverly assembled and imaginative selection of pictures about
the complex, or rather simple relationship between mother and son.
Mammal illustrates humorously, poetically and in a quick run the
initiation of the endotherms that we are.