

A former apple regrets having been transformed into a human and
wishes himself back to the tree.

This complex piece of animation, consisting of several hundred
layers, features a setting that is entirely made of weltering
people. Within this world, the video's protagonist, Phoenix The
Devourer, is an apple on a tree who wants to find out what it's
like to be a man.

MUSIC: Phoenix The Devourer
CAST: Phoenix The Devourer, Pierre van Kerckvoorde, Achim
Schauffele and many more
DIRECTORS: Astrid Rieger, Zeljko Vidovic
EDIT: Astrid Rieger
COMPOSITING, ANIMATION: Astrid Rieger, Zeljko Vidovic
ADDITIONAL ANIMATION: Stefan Ringelschwandtner

chosen for the "Next Generation 2007" by German Films, shown in
Cannes, at MOMA New York, etc.
Studio Magazine - award at "une nuit trop courte" - Grenoble 2006
1st prize in the section education/compositing/music video at the
10th animago award 2006
audience award and jury's award at the International Video
Festival Bochum 2006
prêmio anima mundi especial at anima mundi 2006
audience award at Malescorto 2006
3rd prize and audience award at the 8th Back-up Festival Weimar
audience award at the Short Film Festival Konstanz 2006
audience award "for the most absurd film" at Eject IX - interfilm
Berlin 2006
audience award at the 2nd Short Film Festival Diessen 2006
audience award at VIS - Vienna Independent Shorts 2007
best animation at Short Film Festival Lüchow 2007
compliment at Berliner FilmFenster grenzenlos 2006
special mention at Aye Aye - Festival International du film Nancy
special mention at interfilm - 22nd International Short Film
Festival Berlin 2006
special mention at Lago Film Fest 2007
nominated for the arte-award at the International Filmschoolfest
Munich 2006
nominated for the Hessian Film Award 2007
nominated for the Kunstfilmbiennale Cologne 2007

International Video Festival Bochum -
audience award and jury's award
The festival's guests were highly taken with "Apple On A Tree" by
Astrid Rieger and Zeljko Vidovic from Offenbach, the audience
award was granted to this humorous and technically ambitious
Short Film Festival Konstanz - audience
The audience's favourite was the emotionally stirring,
colourful and experimental Music clip "Apple On A Tree" by Astrid
Rieger und Zeljko Vidovic that made sure: "AlI wanna be, is an
apple on a tree".
Festival Aye Aye - Festival International
du film Nancy - special mention
"Apple On A Tree" by Astrid Rieger and Zeljko Vidovic
(Germany, 2006) is an amazing piece of animation using hundreds of
extras forming all possible parts of the setting: the grass, wind,
sun, tree-leaves, apples. The 5-minute-long "Apple On A Tree" is a
highly enjoyable and perfectly homogenic filmic joke, whose catchy
tune telling of an apple turned human and regretting it stays with
you long after the end of the screening.
interfilm - 22nd International Short Film
Festival Berlin - special mention
A whole world of bodies, poetical, powerfully choreographed,
sparkling with vitality. The third special mention goes to the
filmic song, that throws a smiling glance upon our existence:
"Apple On A Tree" by Astrid Rieger und Zeljko Vidovic.
Lago Film Fest - special mention
Jury's spezial mention for the sophisticated visual
inventiveness that shows a notable sense for compostion and
picture. A video clip, that serves as an occasion for an
extraordinary experiment in computer graphics.
Kunstfilmbiennale Köln - nomination
Hundrets of bodies form a tree and thousands of arms the
leaves. On that tree hangs a man as an apple. When he is being
revived as a human, far from Hobbes' »Leviathan«, he fights
himself through a chaotic sea of people, where beasts are bashing
each other and there is only one wish, that he has.

Tromanale Berlin 2006, Berliner FilmFenster grenzenlos 2006, IV
International Film Festival Ofensiva 2006, BlindSpot 2 Hamburg,
une nuit trop courte Grenoble, Reanimacja Lodz, 10th animago AWARD
Stuttgart, European Media Art Festival Osnabrück, International
Video Festival Bochum 2006, Plattform no Budget Tübingen #4,
International Film Festival Göttingen, No Budget Video/Film
Festival Weimar 2006, DiBa - Digital Barcelona Film Festival,
Internationale ShortFilmFestival Hamburg, Darklight Festival
Dublin, Anima Mundi - International Animation Festival of Brazil,
Shorts at Moonlight, 13th Open Eyes Filmfest Marburg-Amöneburg,
30th Open-Air Filmfest Weiterstadt, 7th Malescorto Malesco, 16th
Shorfilm Slam Hamburg, Vogel der Nacht Bensheim, Anima Mundi
Especial, A Wall is a screen Hamburg, Aye Aye Festival
International du film Nancy, Ars Electronica Linz, FilmLichter 06
Detmold, Square Eyes Festival Arnhem, VIII Tinklai International
Short Film Festival, Pictoplasma Conference Berlin, Bunter Hund
8th International Short Film Festival München, 8th Back-up
Festival Weimar, 9th Kyoto International Student Film and Video
Festival, Konstanzer Kurzfilmspiele, 2nd International Film
Festival Frankfurt, interfilm 22nd International Short Film
Festival Berlin, 2nd Short Film Festival Diessen, 23rd Dokumentary
Film and Video Festival Kassel, International Filmschool Festival
München, 19th Exground filmfest Wiesbaden, CYNETart 06 humane
Dresden, visionale 06 Frankfurt, zwergwerk 6th Days Of Short Film
Oldenburg, Rencontres Internationales Paris-Berlin, Short Cuts
Cologne, International Short Film Festival Leuven, Future Shorts,
Kufife 2006, Max-Ophuels-Festival, 8th Short Film Festival
Landshut, Némo Film Festival ARCADI, ambulart 2007, 30th
Grenzland-Filmtage Selb, International Film Festival Ankara, REC -
Festival de Creació Audiovisual de Tarragona, 7th International
Youth Film Festival "SESILY", AniFest Trebon 2007, VIS Vienna
Independent Shorts 2007, 13th Short Film Festival Thalmässing,
"Days of Modern Art" Bialystok, No Budget Video + Filmfestival
Heilbronn, CFC Worldwide Short Film Festival Toronto, OK VIDEO
MILITIA 2007 Jakarta, shorts attack! Berlin, Lago Film Fest,
Poolbar Festival in Feldkirch, 6th Festival Silhouette Paris,
Short Film Festival Lüchow, AnToni Fest Weissensee, 7th
Filmkunstmesse Leipzig, Media Art Friesland Harlingen, EDIT 10th
Filmmaker's Festival, SEDICICORTO International Film Festival
Forlì, Design Event 07 Newcastle, Medien-Kunst-Woche Kyoto und
Osaka, KunstFilmBiennale Köln 2007, 21st International Film
Festival Braunschweig, 16th Annual St. Louis International Film
Festival, Eushorts Budapest, "jung + frisch" Darmstadt,
Interregional Film Festival Hessen Aquitaine, 13th Berlin &
Beyond, Film Festival San Francisco, 18th Short Film Festival
Bamberg, LICHTER Filmtage Frankfurt 2008, Green Film Festival GIFT
Taipei 2008, moves08 Manchester, 2nd FILMINI International Short
Film Festival Sofia, Institut Hongrois de Paris, Festival Cinéfil
Rhône-Alpes 2009, Kurz und Knapp Switzerland, Tour program of
Kunstfilmbiennale Köln, Deutsche Filmwoche in Krakau, Travelling
GIFF, EMAF Tour, NEXT GENERATION 2007: Cannes Film Festival,
Madrid, Buenos Aires, Umea Film Festival, Frankfurter Buchmesse,
Paris, Warschau Filmfestival, Rom , MoMA New York, London,
Kopenhagen, Moskau, St. Petersburg, Stockholm, goEast!Wiesbaden